art for HOme


Made with Love in Valencia, Spain by artists Irena Tone and Ros Kozhman

In studio
Created by Award-Winning Artists
Worldwide represented, award-winning artists, and international open-call finalists, Irena Tone and Ros Kozhman are working together, creating art as a creative couple.

Previously having art practice and workshops in Israel (Haifa), Ukraine (Kyiv) and England (London), in 2022 artists moved to Spain (Valencia) to continue to create their brand of arty products, sculptures, wall art, and arty interior products such as mirrors, candle holders, vases and lamps.

Irena and Ros often make a non-standard presentation of the usual life in their work. By hyperbolizing, making simple or using metaphors they propose you take a fresh look at the nature of familiar things. They primarily use pure primary materials and mediums. They work on abstract, figurative, with thematic series, in small, middle and big formats. Monochrome wall art created with sand additions and long rubbing of paint layers allows artists to create nature volume compositions with animals, plants and flowers. Part of them we see like in foggy air, others - like under the ice in a frozen cube.

Understanding the material's nature and physical processes helps Irena and Ros to use steel, metal and stainless steel for their sculptures in a non-standard way, without welding, with their special author's methods.

Artworks created by Irena and Ros are in private home collections and presented in interior shops and online platforms Worldwide, in Europe, the UK, the USA, and Asia countries.
2022 - Opening a studio IRENA TONE, Valencia, Spain
2021 - Founding of TONERA Online Art Gallery, London, the UK
2020 - Global Talent Visa the UK, in the field of arts and culture
2020 - Endorsement from Arts Council England

2020 - Solo Show 'Opacity', Direct Art Action UK, Birmingham, the UK
2018 - Solo show 'Dogs, art and event space 'TAILS', Haifa, Israel
2018 - Solo show 'Cities and Places', art and event space 'TAILS', Haifa, Israel

2023 - Semi-finalist in ARTBOX.PROJECTS open call, sculpture "Bear" digitally presented and physical Art Book Publication, MIAMI ART WEEK 2023
2020 - 2022 - Sculptures Exposition in Mandarin Maison, Kyiv, Ukraine
2021 - Group Show ARTBOX.PROJECT, Barcelona, Spain
2020 - POP-UP Exhibition and event dedicated to rewarding WOMAN ESSENCE 2020 in Spivakovska ART: EGO gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine
2020 - 1 of 18 Finalists with sculpture 'Hashtag' for Group Show 'INNER WORLD',
Boomer Gallery, London, the UK
2020 - 1 of 10 Finalists with sculpture ‘Paper Pin’ for Group Show ARTBOX.PROJECT
Barcelona 1.0 2020, Barcelona, Spain
2020 - Finalist with paintings 'Iceberg' and 'Asphalt' for Group Show
WOMAN'S ESSENCE 2020, Palazzo Velli, Rome, Italy
2020 - Finalist with paintings 'Melted Ice-Cream' and 'Asphalt 2.0' for Group Show
'SANSARA', Modern Art Research Institute of Ukrainian Academy of Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine
2020 - Group Show "Krjukrinoksy" in 'Zdes na Taganke', Moscow, Russia
2019-2020 - Group Exhibition '10/1', 10 Gallery, Crimea
2019 - Group Show 'RETHINK IT', TI`ART Gallery, Moscow, Russia
2019 - Group Show 'Not all that...', Marina Tsvetaeva House Museum, Moscow, Russia
2020 - Online Group Exhibition ⚬Dot⚬Dot-Dash, SURFACE GALLERY,
Nottingham, the UK

2020 - Award WOMAN'S ESSENCE 2020, MUSA International art Space
in collaboration with the Center for UNESCO Bologna, Palazzo Velli, Rome, Italy
2020 - Special Recognition Award, "All Women" Art Exhibition, Painting & Other Media,
artwork "Pencils", LightSpace Time Art, USA

2020 - Educational Intensive 'Exhibition Abroad' in collaboration with
'Workshop Rich Artist' Educational Centre

2018 - Supervision of Exhibition and Performance ‘We love The Beatles’,
art and event space TAILS, Haifa, Israel
2018 - Supervision of Photo exhibition of photographer Yurij Shepelev,
art and event space TAILS, Haifa, Israel

2020 - London Art College, Colour Awareness Course,
taught by Alan Dedman, UK

2020 - 'Culture & Creativity', British Council, Introduction to Cultural Journalism Online Course.
2019 - 'Central Saint Martins College', Introduction to Illustration Course,
taught by Leni Kauffman, UK
2019 - 'Chelsea College of Arts', Interior Lighting Design Course,
taught by Debbie Blandford, UK
2019 - 'Workshop Rich Artist' Educational Centre, Himself a curator:
to organize an exhibition
2017-2018 - 'Kalacheva Art School', Watercolor Painting Course,
Extreme Sketching Course, City Sketching Course

2004 – 2008 – European University, Economics and Entrepreneurship,
Bachelor's Degree in Marketing with honours, Ukraine
2008 – 2009 – Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman,
Marketing, Master's Degree in Marketing with honours, Ukraine